Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's Been Awhile

....and apparently none of you think that Fox video is as hilarious as I do. Every time I show it to someone their only response is "What's that sound in the background?" Come on, like I know? Also, the fox is licking glass, so I'd say it's safe to assume this video was probably taken at a zoo and there is some zany animal in the background making that noise. Sheesh people, it's funny. Laugh.

In other news, I had a whole weeks worth of blogging planned and it didn't happen. But I'm still planning on posting about those things.

I've taken a huge step in my life (yes, my brain is weird) and finally purchased a brand new Macbook Pro. This is huge for me. All I think about during the day is how I can go home and do stuff on the internet, the thing is, I'm not used to having that all at my fingertips about 5 minutes into lappy time I draw a blank and can't think of what I should be reading about, or what video I should be watching and consequently I have done no blogging on it, yet.

Also I am working on eating healthier and in that process I have stumbled across this blog: For the Love of Food. What I really like (so far) about this blog is the blogger (what word should I be using here?) is totally vegan and while I do not plan on becoming vegan anytime soon all her recipes are healthy but not overwhelming, I feel like I could make these recipes and while doing so not spend a freaking fortune at the grocery store. So far I have printed out Five recipes and my goal is to have tried them all by the end of the month.

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