Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Best Home Made Ice Cream

I do not have an ice cream maker, but after borrowing a friends for this recipe I think I may have to get one.

My friends and I threw a shower/party for our dear friend Melanie who is getting married in about a month exactly! I made some salsa (just my classic recipe) and this delicious sorbet which I could eat every night.

The ice cream, Strawberry and Mint Sorbet, was probably the easiest ice cream recipe I've come across. It consists of: Strawberries, sugar, mint leaves and a dash of lemon juice and salt. Here is a picture of the beginning process, strawberries soaking in some sugar (yum):
Strawberry and Mint Sorbet:

1 lb. of Strawberries hulled and sliced
1/2 cup of fresh mint leaves
3/4 cup of Sugar
1 tsp of lemon juice
a pinch of salt

(I doubled the recipe, and if you are making it for more than two I would suggest doing the same, at least, if you want a heaping bowl of it like I did. One side note, I did NOT double the mint because I wasn't sure how it would turn out and I think it was the right choice. I love what the mint added but I wouldn't want much more).
After slicing and hulling the strawberries mix them with the sugar in a bowl until the sugar begins to dissolve, cover and let stand for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
After letting the strawberries marinade puree the strawberries, sugary-strawberry juice, lemon and mint leaves. I used my food processor but you could easily use a blender too. Then let chill thoroughly in the fridge. (I let mine sit for about 2 1/2 hours, but that's just because I didn't need it earlier).
Finally, mix in your ice cream maker.

This is obviously not a picture of my ice cream, but I ate it before realizing that I should take a picture of the finished product. You can find the recipe I used here (but when I was looking at her recipe I couldn't find her sugar measurement, but at the end of her post she credits where she got it and you can look it up online for the sugar amount).

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